- Estate of Michael Abbensetts Writer, Estates
- Connor Allen Writer
- Celia Legard and Amaya Owen Rowlands Writer
- Finn Anderson Writer, Composer, Lyricist
- Katie Arnstein Writer
- Jodie Ashdown Writer
- Tim X Atack Writer, Composer
- Lucy Jane Atkinson Director
- Rebecca Atkinson-Lord Writer, Director
- Tania Azevedo Director
- Emma Bailey Designer
- Nicola Baldwin Writer, Director
- Bella Barlow Composer, Lyricist
- Jim Barne Composer
- Nick Barnes Puppetry Designer
- Tim Barrow Writer, Director
- Hannah Bates Writer
- Clare Bayley Writer
- Rod Beacham Estates
- Max Beerbohm Estates
- Janet Behan Writer
- Kiran Benawra Writer, Producer
- Ken Bentley Writer, Director
- Jeffrey Bernard Estates
- Vicki Berwick Writer
- Nick Bicât Composer
- Tony Bicât Writer, Director, Lyricist
- John Biddle Composer, Lyricist, Sound Designer
- Marc Blakewill Writer
- Poonam Brah Director, Writer
- Neil Brand Composer, Lyricist
- John Browne Composer, Lyricist
- Dugald Bruce-Lockhart Director
- Kit Buchan Writer, Lyricist
- Daniel Buckroyd Writer, Director
- Teresa Burns Writer
- Chris Bush Writer, Lyricist
- Fran Bushe Writer
- Cecilia Carey Designer
- Pamela Carter Writer, Director
- Robert Chevara Director
- Satinder Chohan Writer
- Rachel Clark Writer
- Paul Clark Composer
- Esther Coles Writer
- Collins & Finch Writer
- Jimmy Donny Cosgrove Writer
- Ben Cottam Writer
- Cheryl May Coward-Walker Writer, Director
- Felix Cross Writer, Director, Composer, Lyricist
- Jess Curtis Designer
- Roger Haines Director, Composer
- Kath Haling Writer, Composer, Lyricist
- Willis Hall Estates
- Joel Hall Composer, Lyricist
- Andy Hamilton Writer, Producer, Director
- James Harris Writer
- Ed Harris Writer
- Emma Jude Harris Director, Dramaturg
- Charles Hart Lyricist
- Nicolai Hart Hansen Designer
- TK Hay Designer
- Julia Head Director
- Tatty Hennessy Writer, Director
- Ken Hill Estates
- Jonathan Holloway Writer, Director
- Robin Hooper Writer
- Dave Horner Writer
- Alex Howarth Writer, Director
- Matt Hutchinson Puppetry Designer
- Manjeet Mann Writer
- Lydia Marchant Writer
- Bethan Marlow Writer
- Nicholas Masters-Waage Writer, Director
- Moreblessing Maturure Writer
- Tim May Writer
- Gerard McBurney Composer
- Andrew McCaldon Writer
- Shaun McKenna Writer, Lyricist
- Clare McMahon Writer
- Danyah Miller Writer
- Tom Mitchelson Writer
- Steven Moffat Writer
- Chris Monks Writer, Director
- Roland Moore Writer
- Vicky Moran Director
- Kitty Morgan Writer, Composer, Lyricist
- Michael Morpurgo Writer
- Andrew Muir Writer
- Mark Murphy Writer, Director
- Bebe Sanders Writer
- Tony Sarchet Writer
- Jon Savage Writer
- Elin Schofield Writer, Director
- Hannah Sibai Designer
- Adam Simpson Writer
- Marc Sinden Director
- Jeremy Silbertson Director, Estates
- Kirsty Smith Writer
- A. C. Smith Writer, Composer, Lyricist
- Kellie Smith Writer
- Alix Sobler Writer
- Mia Soteriou Composer
- Jane Stanness Writer
- Damien Stanton Designer
- May Sumbwanyambe Writer
- Tim Sutton Composer
- Henry Waddon Writer
- Jane Wainwright Writer
- Keith Waterhouse Estates
- Beth Westbrook Writer
- Chris White Director
- Alys Whitehead Designer
- Camilla Whitehill Writer
- Joseph Wilde Writer
- Marc Wilkinson Estates
- Joy Wilkinson Writer, Producer, Director
- Ross Willis Writer
- Polly Wiseman Writer, Director
- Hannah Wolfe Designer